馮志榮醫生 (Dr Fung Chi Wing) | |
[皮膚科] | |
因藥物過敏,全身急性蕁麻疹,同時因為自身在接受化療,見到馮醫生后,就覺得沒有找錯了醫生。我也是網上偶爾找的他,因為看到這裡對他評價不一,有點忐忑。前後2次的就診,馮醫生實事求是,耐心聽我的情況,態度隨和親切又篤定地告訴我,這種過敏需要恢復的過程,包括一些生活中要注意的常識。最後,他叫我不用擔心,如果過幾天如他所說,沒有事,就不用吃剩餘的葯,也不用回來複診了。祝我一切順利。我也衷心感謝馮醫生。 | |
$700 | |
2019-06-23 gone | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
梁治西醫生 (Dr Leung Chi Sai) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Dr. Leung is extremely rude and arrogant. He has no interest in listening to me and discuss my problem. It's all about himself. When I told him about the side effect of fatigue by taking Cyclosporin and couldn't do my daily job during the week as the result he suggested that must be me being over sensitive, then went on to prescribe another week's same medication which costs about HKD200/day. I asked about alternatives, he said he knows better than me and he has no other way to treat my eczema. During the 5-7 mins consultation, he showed no respect to me and offered none of any professional advice, neither did he demonstrate basic communication skill as a doctor. I seriously doubt Mr. Leung's ethical practice as a doctor. | |
$800 | |
2018-04-16 gone | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
馮志榮醫生 (Dr Fung Chi Wing) | |
[皮膚科] | |
多次因為不同的原因不舒服去看馮醫生,醫生很細緻,給的建議都非常中肯,開藥和檢查都非常對症,為病人著想,是一位醫術精湛醫德高尚的難得一見的好醫生!再次多謝馮醫生! |
$700 | |
2017-10-16 gone | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
黃學慧醫生 (Dr Wong Hok Wai, Wendy) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Consultation charge of$800 is reasonable for an experienced specialist in central.Very satisfied with her effective treatment | |
$800 | |
2017-04-19 Ronnie | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
黃學慧醫生 (Dr Wong Hok Wai, Wendy) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Waited 45 minutes but was well worth it ! | |
$950 | |
2017-04-12 Chilam | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
黃學慧醫生 (Dr Wong Hok Wai, Wendy) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Quick and crisp diagnosis. Very effective treatment. Very satisfied! | |
$900 | |
2017-04-02 Monica | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
黃學慧醫生 (Dr Wong Hok Wai, Wendy) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Gentle doctor, good explanation, will definitely recommend her to my friends. | |
$800 | |
2017-04-01 Jessica | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
梁治西醫生 (Dr Leung Chi Sai) | |
[皮膚科] | |
醫生態度好差, 完全不理病人感受更曲解病人的意思. 病人想問多上病況, 粱醫生就認為你在質疑他. | |
$0 | |
2016-10-17 LIU | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Caring and professional. Highly recommend to all. | |
$1380 | |
2016-07-30 Jones | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
陳醫生非常細心,睇症時好關心人,最重要唔嫌我煩,盡心聆聽。睇完佢一次之後,我啲濕疹已經進步左好多 | |
$1300 | |
2016-07-25 kakeung | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Very commercial. Really bad. | |
$1100 | |
2016-06-22 Guest | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
鄧偉祺醫生 (Dr Tang Wai Ki, Henry) | |
[皮膚科] | |
黑醫!淨係診金冇藥收六百,之前睇開方慶生連藥都係千五,同一種藥佢收三千!入去擺低六百出反來走左 | |
$600 | |
2015-11-03 TT Tse | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
俞慧根醫生 (Dr Yu Wai Kun, Francis) | |
[皮膚科] | |
問非所答,態度傲慢 睇症敷衍,唔專業 全無醫得可言 |
$1000 | |
2014-11-21 To | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
何天儀醫生 (Dr Ho Tin Yee, Tinny) | |
[皮膚科] | |
打botox 打到瘀哂,要單位計,打瘦面要6000,額頭又4000,無下次! | |
$10000 | |
2014-10-06 Philip | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
鄧旭明醫生 (Dr Tang Yuk Ming, William) | |
[皮膚科] | |
預約了也耍等很久, 看症卻只十幾二十秒. 處方又效無. 真的是浪費金錢及時間! | |
$700 | |
2014-06-26 Kent Cheung | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Professional, kind and caring. Thanks Dr Chan :) | |
$1100 | |
2014-06-25 Joanna | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Too commercial. Not spend enough time with patient | |
$500 | |
2014-06-18 Joan | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
葉榮根醫生 (Dr Ip Wing Kin) | |
[皮膚科] | |
黑醫。我陰囊長有表皮囊瘡,會復發,先前看過兩位皮膚科醫生,前後收四至六千圓便好了。及後首次看葉榮根,首次見便叫您化驗,誇大及恐嚇病情,化驗收$28,000左右,看了一個半月,共收五萬五千,及後上網查看他的背景,原來他已經被醫學會公開指控過三次,我想受害人不計其數,簡直是專業敗類,以上所説,並無虛假。 | |
$55000 | |
2014-06-11 RicLee | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
盡心盡力去關心病人 一位為病人身體健康設想的超好醫生! |
$1000 | |
2014-06-11 AnsonL | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
黃學慧醫生 (Dr Wong Hok Wai, Wendy) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Very rude, bad attitude and most unprofessional doctor I've ever met! Not willing to explain at all. Won't see her again! | |
$3000 | |
2014-06-03 Victim | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
馮志榮醫生 (Dr Fung Chi Wing) | |
[皮膚科] | |
"問診草率.. 檢查也不做足. 問他問題時,只草草答了很門面的答案" 十分認同樓下講法 開藥沒效用 沒關切病人所需 |
$300 | |
2014-05-15 ho | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
譚紹棠醫生 (Dr Tam Shiu Tong) | |
[皮膚科] | |
醫生寸寸地,不會非常詳細講解,但勝在睇完好得快。介紹過d親戚都話正! | |
$600 | |
2014-02-01 Yan | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
細心有heart,仔細問症及檢查,睇一次己醫好。雖然等侯時間頗長,但我覺得完全值得。推介! | |
$800 | |
2014-01-14 NormanC | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
葉鵬舉醫生 (Dr Ip Pang Kui) | |
[皮膚科] | |
態度一般,不講病因、注意事項,喜歡說:好多原因…一小枝藥水﹩500,下次重複… | |
$500 | |
2013-12-11 Crystal | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Patient, caring and work. So impressed. | |
$1000 | |
2013-12-08 BumbleBee | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
黎湛暉醫生 (Dr Lai Cham Fai) | |
[皮膚科] | |
one of the best, if not the best in Hong Kong | |
$650 | |
2013-11-03 cplkano | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |
陳厚毅醫生 (Dr Chan Hau Ngai, Kingsley) | |
[皮膚科] | |
Waste time. Consultation sequence not following booking schedules. Girl being "sale" of medical cosmetic have first priority | |
$1600 | |
2013-10-26 1050 | |
[地址] [詳細資料及地圖] [意見] [網誌] |