1. Discussion Forum: you are welcome to contribute!
This new feature enables you to express your feelings and opinions on any healthcare related topics. It's actually only available in Chinese for now, however we warmly welcome your contributions in developing its English version. Share your experiences by posting comments and reviews here to help others make the right choice. This way you can improve and maintain healthcare standards in the communities you belong to.

2. To improve the quality of the content displayed on this website, multiple comments posted from the same IP or coming through web proxy settings would be closely scrutinized and may be deleted (e.g. if their content is similar).
Don't hesitate to contact us if you think your comments have been mistakenly deleted. Please be aware that comments on this website do not represent nor could be construed as a fact; we make no representations about the suitability, availability, reliability, timeliness and accuracy of the information or comments in our websites.
Share your experiences by posting comments and reviews here to help others make the right choice.
This way you can improve and maintain healthcare standards in the communities you belong to.

3. SHARING IS CARING! Our facebook page is up and running, please come and like us.

Our Facebook Page

4. Have a look at the latest street view feature to have a clear 360 degrees view of doctors/clinics/hospitals/SPAs locations in Hong Kong.

5. Notice about Chinese names of doctors

1. Based on our database input, the names of the doctors and other healthcare provides are mostly displayed in capital letters

2. When separated by a comma, the first part of the name indicates the full Chinese name and the part after the comma indicates the English name

3. In other cases, there is a mixture of capital and small letters for the names of the doctors and other healthcare providers, our database comprises of over 20,000 healthcare provides therefore we welcome your suggestions and corrections

6. HEALTH TIPS AND MORE! Here you can access to extremely useful health tips, this feature is actually only available in Chinese for now, however we warmly welcome your contributions in developing its English version. Share your experiences by posting comments and reviews here to help others make the right choice. This way you can improve and maintain healthcare standards in the communities you belong to. [ Link ]